Saturday 29 September 2012

Glimpse of internet history

Internet is a technology used to send messages across the PCs with a purpose of connecting people or networks. If you ask me to tell the exact date of invention of the software and concept of internet, then I would say I don not know. In fact no one knows when was the day when internet exactly came to its existence as an idea. But origin of internet was reported somewhere between 1950s-1970s. Internet was born with the idea of utilizing networks and computer systems to link and share information or messages across the area covered.

Today internet is much more than just a mode of sharing or linking information via one computer set to another. Internet has traveled along way and covered a long journey full of changes, up-gradation and development in technology behind the internet.

Did you know that internet was once upon a time known as INTRANET? May be no. INTRANET or advanced research project agency was a kind a of R & D or research and department section built for the benefit of science and military area.  That is why internet at its early era was not a public usage service as internet was complicated as well as technical enough to be used by only experts.

Internet history began long back ago and till now internet has grown and evolved itself into a powerful technology. If internet history is divided into parts then it would start from the age of concept before the 1960s followed by history or advancement of computer and software, history of mails, search engines and downloading technology. Internet history is also followed by the change in internet usage such as internet from a sharing device to now a complete world of its own.

Not many of us know that the very first adaptation of email was launched somewhere in 1972 and was a creation of Ray Tomlin-son. The first version of search engine was introduced in year 1989 with a different name ‘Archie’, with a purpose of searching information.

From launch of public user internet (1990) to launch of windows, internet has seen changes and development in a large sense. Today internet has high speed networks and can be accessed by laptops; GPRS enabled mobile phones and more. Internet has television in it and can save or sends large number of files or mails and what not. You can see your friend or family member sitting far in another country by a click of your computer keys.

You can shop on internet, ATM works on internet, publish your book on internet and download any song or movie from internet without searching for it in music shops. Now that’s how far has internet come and no one know how far it will go from here, but we do know that this is definitely not a stop for the technology called internet.

 From INTRANET to INTERNET, internet has a history of changes, advancements and development as well as enfolds the roots of history of many supportive technologies.

Generation ‘NOW’ does not know much about internet and its journey till now but does know that internet is still moving and creating history and historical movements. Now, what was the latest creation?  I know Internet television.

Things you did not know about internet

Talk of the tinsel town is internet. In today’s date many inventions are struggling to claim a place as biggest achievement of technology but its internet that steal s show. No one including the inventors knew that someday internet will not just link the world but will become a part of everything.

Generation which had no television are not friendly with internet or even the basic log-in log-off terms but they are aware of the fact that internet makes living better, they do know that internet can help their grandchildren with their homework or class project. Our parents or grandparents may be aliens to the use of internet but they are not aliens to the fact that internet is a necessity.

Our mother may not know how to move mouse but does know that internet can provide her with recipe for every food item or can search for interior designs for the house.

Internet can do and in fact does so much that there are so many of us who are still not sure why internet is so big. Okay! We all know that internet helps us in sending mails and chatting with our friends or searching for information, surfing for pictures as well as music and so on. But, how many of us know that with internet you can publish your own book? Or with internet you can design your desktop with animations called widgets and directly access your favorite site instead of typing it on tool bar and searching for it.

Internet has definitely entered every part of our life. From kids to grownup each one has to rely on internet, either for informing self or educating self.

You can use internet for making sites or domain exclusively for your business or company. What more you can also upload your computer desktop with smart and savvy know-how tools that will serve as your manager or virtual secretary. Whether big or small, every company is living on internet. Even small shops are utilizing internet to keep an eye on competition and to find ways to improve or make it big.

If you are someone who is tired of the course you have done in your school days then you can surf on internet and search for large number of course options for your graduation of further studies. Internet has a world of information for everyone.

Did you know that to some extent internet is behind all the animation movies, space projects, television shows, government policies and so on. Internet may not be a big part of them but somewhere, in some section internet must have been used to extract information or a data or to download something or upload an advertisement or note or declaration etc.

Have you felt a need of telling some college or friend few things they need to know but you can’t, then internet can do that for you? There are sites where you can use to send anonymous message (but do not be abusive, such sites are strict). You can also find sites to make your own reality show by sending your video which is further evaluated by the site. Apart from educator, Internet can be fun and entertainer too. You can download movies, music and e-books or e-novels and much more.

Internet takes your world with you in your laptop. Access your mails and be in touch with your loved ones or official people from anywhere, anytime. Internet brings everything in your mobile thus you can carry your mails and data in your pocket to any corner of world.

From designing your t-shirt to designing of your business card, in internet you can find sites for all purposes without traveling anywhere. Internet also protects your computer and your personnel data as you can downloads antivirus software or search for sites that work on detecting malicious malware and spyware (may not remove it, but will detect it).

From ordering flowers to gifts, from booking air ticket to planning a holiday trip, from shopping online to selling online, from learning to sharing and much more, with internet you get the liberty to live or walk with the time and the ever-changing world. With internet on your desk, in your pockets and all around you its better you update yourself with everything you can do with internet in order to make life nothing but easy.

Role of internet in communication

Concept of internet when came to existence somewhere around 1960s, it was based on the purpose of connecting as many people as possible. The start of internet was slow but today internet undoubtly connects whole of the world. Contribution of technology and science towards the communication among people began with inventions such a telephone and telegraph. Ever since communication identified itself as apart of human life, inventors and scientist have been trying to exploit technology to renovate communication process and make it as easy as possible.

If you go by the practical definition of communication you will come across a long list of meanings and explanations given by various scholars of the field of communication. One such definition says that communication is a process of sending and receiving. It may sound technical but in reality this is what we all do on our daily basis, with some face to face while with others through a medium. For example if you talking to your friend you are sending a message and your friend will receive your message and if required give back a response or a reply.

This is where internet comes as an important part of communication. Internet acts as a medium for many to send their message across a receiver, which can be either a friend or family.

But apart from the basic communication and building a touch among people internet also helps us to communicate with different culture, histories and geographical aspect of the world we live in. we can easily find about information on any place, country or anything and almost everything on internet.

Internet is an educator as well as an entertainer thus with internet you can access any field and communicate about things you know or things you need to know.

The speed and ease of communication given by internet is one reason for the decrease in trend of sharing letters and postcards among friends and relatives. Where a letter may take more than two days to reach your loved one, an email takes less than two minutes to do the same.

You don’t just learn a lot and stay in contact with people, communicate but also get to share your likes and dislike and daily routine. What more? Internet has been technology’s favorite invention and thus we today we find internet with videos, television, radio and more.

Internet is now a global power which is why countries all across the world is using internet as much possible as they can. Tourism department of many places uses internet to communicate with people around the world and let them know what is in store for them.

The innovations of internet such as radio, videos and more are used by much government to communicate with its citizens. They spread their message on radio which is also available on internet. Government also releases its press release or official announcement on internet.

It’s a jet age and internet is now a part of everyone from every age group to every culture and religion internet has its influence and thus while some use it to communicate as fast as they can, some feel it’s an entertainment section but the truth is internet may have changed its color and look but somewhere inside this new technology the basic purpose is still communication.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Internet a growing world

Not many years ago internet was just a medium of connecting people and sending across messages, while today internet is much more. Today internet is a part of growing world or let me put it in this way; internet is a growing world in itself.

Did you know that internet was never meant to be a source of entertainment and education?  The concept of internet came long back in 1950s and was used for the purpose of transmission of information or signals only.  Hardly anyone including the large number of inventors (who came up with different ideas and gave their contribution in the making of the technology behind internet) knew that soon internet would break all barriers to become the biggest avatar contemporary communication system.

Since its beginning internet has fascinated people like us. With so much to explore, internet is surely a charmer.

But apart form its charm and attractive power, internet is growing or booming across the world as a world of its own. Internet has websites, search engines, communities, web pages, surfing sites and much-much more. Today almost every country is dependent on internet and there are available many surveys and graphs, that support or act as a proof of penetration of internet in every corner of the world.

According such surveys internet usage has been seen at large in Asian countries followed by the European leaders, America, Africa and areas of Middle East. So far, Australia has experienced relatively lower penetration of internet technology. These countries and regions across the world are adopting internet as part of them with more and more speed due to the need of becoming better.

The statistics of penetration of internet in these countries and regions are quite contrary to the usage statistics. Here penetration of internet has been seen at large in the American regions followed by Australia.

Reason behind the adaptation of internet in every corner of world is the benefits and the uses of internet present in large number. Today internet is one of the biggest platforms for advertisement and marketing. People and companies are seen earning fortune using internet for the promotion and selling of their product or goodwill. Trade and finance has been using internet more and more to make profit and fortune. 

Various search engines and downloading sites available on internet are a part of the revolution and growth of internet on its own level.

Internet also act as a virtual shopping mall, where you can shop, order and buy anything from any corner of world benefiting self, the company, the site and the country too.  

Internet is now in our pocket, on our desk, in our television and almost inside every gadget available. From i-pods to laptop and mobile phones, internet has been spreading itself in every field of technology to give the best of utility. Internet connects countries and people on just a click of mouse or button. This growth of internet is something that even the internet ‘inventor guy’ must have never imagined.

With changing society and trend internet has changed itself too. Today internet is a word every lay man knows. Internet is a solution for every question, it is a business for some while for some internet is mode of boosting their business, students are using internet for knowledge and entertainment and so on. Thus people like us depend on internet for almost every single thing is supporting the growth of internet worldwide in terms of region and usage, as well as its services.

From 1950s to 2007 internet has grown big with its technology, success, acceptance, usage as well as its benefits. Today internet is definitely a world of its own that is driving our world.